Sam’s 18 month appointment

Posted By on March 25, 2011

Sam saw the doctor today for her 18 month check-up.  She did wonderfully!  The doctor said she was perfect and could not seem healthier.  The doctor said she was so sweet and so good — he commented that most of his 18 month olds cry the whole time or are screaming, and she was just smiling at him the whole time!  He did all the standard checks and asked a bunch of developmental questions.  Sam, as we already knew, is a perfectly normal little girl.  She is 33″ tall now and weighs 22lbs 5 oz.  At her last visit we discussed how her weight gain had sort of dropped off, but now she is right back on track.  She is in the 21st percentile for weight and the 86th percentile for height (she is always so tall).  She was supposed to get one more vaccine today, but it was technically 2 days early (it had to be 6 months from the last one) so the doctor wouldn’t give it to her.  He said it was no big deal and could wait until her next visit at 2 years of age.  That will be her last vaccine, not counting annual flu shots if we choose to give them to her, until she is about 4 or 5 years old.  I know Sam is happy about that!

Here are some new pictures of our beautiful little girl.  Mark took these tonight after we got home from dinner. Sam needed some fresh air.

It was getting so cold out but Samantha didn’t seem to mind.  Look at that happy face!

She loves to collect her acorns, although tonight some spruce tree branches and some rocks seemed equally as appealing.

Here is Sam gazing up at her daddy.  Boy, she was really all about her daddy today.  As soon as he was done working, she couldn’t get enough of him. When he went to take a shower, she called “Dad!” and then the bottom lip came out and she almost started to cry.  He had to come back to cuddle her until she was happy again.

I think she is always so pretty, even with her little nose turning red from the cold.  She is so cute. 🙂

On a stroll with mommy.  We were in the shed, which she loves, and she made it very obvious that she wanted to be in her wagon.  So off we went!

One Response to “Sam’s 18 month appointment”

  1. Debbi Plenn says:

    Wow, that is one sharp wagon. Glad her doctor’s visit went so well.

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