More accomplishments

Posted By on March 31, 2011

Today when I went to pick up Samantha after work, my mom and I were just chatting about this and that and Sam was over by the front door.  She had been toddling around playing with her toys and doing whatever it is she wanted to do and ignoring us.  I peeked over at her to make sure she was not getting into any mischief and I got there just in time to see the cutest sight — Sam was putting on her own shoes!  She wore her little sneakers today, and she was standing up, holding onto the door frame, and sliding her feet in one by one.  After she put them on — on the wrong feet, but hey, it’s progress — she pushed down the velcro straps.  My mom and I made a big fuss over her, cheering and clapping so she knew that she did a very good thing.

Sam is starting to repeat everything you say too.  She says so many words now.  She will generally say them only a few times, then you never hear them again.  It’s almost like she tries it out, decides, “Ok, I know that word now”, and she’s done with it.  She just files it away in her brain for later.  Today she was dancing with my mom and my mom told her that they were dancing and Sam said very clearly “dancing”.  She is also starting to pretty regularly say “Night Night” at bedtime which is just adorable.  She also understands a LOT now. I really have to watch what I say.  Lately, she has been giving me a hard time about leaving her for work in the mornings. She hugs me so tight and gets upset when I leave.  Today she was doing pretty well.  Allowing me to let go and put her down, hugging but not too tight.  We were hugging and I thought it would be ok for me to leave so I said, ok, Sam, mommy is going to go, and she starting hugging my neck so tightly I couldn’t breathe!  She really understood exactly what that meant, and she was not having it.  Eventually she gave in, but it amazed me how smart she is.  She really follows directions now in ways that make you realize that she understands a lot more than she can say.

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