Easter Dress, Take 2
Posted By pamelamyers on April 25, 2011
Easter morning, after dismantling her basket, Sam was in such a good mood. Mark and I decided maybe we could try pictures of Sam in her dress again. She was a little less upset this time, there were no tears involved, but not many smiles either. She looks so beautiful though, that these pictures just had to be posted.
I love seeing her surrounded by the grass. It’s such a simple photo, but so pretty.
I love all the tulips but they don’t hold a candle to my little girl. She outshines any flower around.
Picking dandelions, one of her favorite spring activities.
There’s a smile!
No more photos, please! I’m outta here!
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That dress is beautiful and Sam looks like a princess in it. I wonder why she didn’t like wearing it.
She looks beautiful in her yellow dress…..