Messy, messy Sam!

Posted By on April 25, 2011

These are some pictures of Sam like you have never seen before!  Before we got her bathed and dressed for Easter dinner, Mark took Sam outside to play.  She likes to dig and pull up dandelions and look at acorns and leaves, and now she likes her bucket full of water.  Mark figured, what the heck, it is good for her to get messy sometimes, and she’s getting a bath anyway.  Wow did she get messy!  Look at this little girl!  He said she kept putting her hand in the bucket,  grabbing a handful of dirt, then looking at her hand and wiping it all over her shirt.  She was covered in muck from head to toe, but boy did she have fun, so it was all worth it.  Sam loves her bath so much now that I think she secretly figured out that the messier she gets, the longer her bath will be.

I like how in this one you can actually see the water droplets flying.

I love my little girl so much, mud and all.

One Response to “Messy, messy Sam!”

  1. Debbi Plenn says:

    She sure looks like she enjoyed herself. She is going to love digging in the sand at the beach this summer.

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