Vroom Vroom!

Posted By on May 18, 2011

The other day when we had Sam outside I opened my car to put something inside.  Sam came running and I thought, hmmm…why not show her something she has never seen before? She always sees us sit up front and she has absolutely no idea what is up there. So, I put her on my lap and showed her around.  Sam was so excited at all the buttons and knobs she didn’t know what to do first.  I didn’t even have my keys in the ignition so it wasn’t that exciting (at least as far as I was concerned) but Sam thought it was great.  She turned the air conditioning knob, played with all the radio buttons, moved the turn signal and windshield wiper levers and, the best part, turned my headlights on and off.  When the headlights are turned on and the car is turned off the car bings and bings and bings.  As you can imagine, that was beyond fun for Sam.  Look out Mommy and Daddy – I am going to want my driver’s license soon!

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