Tyler #3
Posted By pamelamyers on May 24, 2011
Everywhere Sam goes she finds dandelions. It’s like she has radar for them. She picked a few while she was there and carried them around the whole time. It is funny how many pictures Mark took where you can see a dandelion in her hand.
Our beautiful girl.
This is such typical Samantha. Very pensive, very quiet, very sweet.
In one of the treehouses, the theme was music. There were wind chimes and some other xylophone type things for them to play with.
After the treehouses were done, we just walked around a little bit. We found something new since the last time we visited — frogs! Huge, huge frogs!
Sam was pretty fond of this one apparently.
Maddox just ran and ran and ran the entire time. That kid has a lot of energy!
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