Memorial Day Weekend

Posted By on May 31, 2011

We didn’t really take too many pictures this weekend, sadly, but it was so unbelievably hot that we spent very little time outdoors.  We did hit the pool, however!  We knew Sam wouldn’t remember the pool from last year since she was so small but we hoped that she would like it.  She loves water – her tub, the hose, her watering can – so we figured the pool would be fun for her.  As we expected, she was a little apprehensive at first but she quickly got the hang of it.  It was so different this year watching her walk around in the baby pool just as easy as can be.  Last year, she couldn’t really do much other than float around in her boat and be held by us.  This year, she was filling her bucket and her watering can and trying to grab every other kid’s toys (but not her own, of course).  She really did have a good time and so did we.  She looked so cute in her little bathing suit.  I will post some pictures as soon as I can.

In other news, she is talking more and more.  She likes to imitate mommy and grandmom saying, “no no no no no” (the multiple no’s is usually what she hears as we are grabbing something from her). It is so funny to hear. She also has discovered she can say “yes” which is much nicer to hear!  I have been trying to get her to communicate with me more and have discovered that by offering her a specific response, rather than waiting for her to find the right word, works better.  For example, a few weeks ago she was crying “more!” over and over again as I was taking her from her stroller into the car.  I asked her, “more what, Sam, more water, more stickers, more apples?” (all of the things in her stroller) and she clearly said, “apple”.  And this weekend she was frantic in my arms while I was trying to determine what she wanted for breakfast so I asked her whether she wanted cheerios or banana.  She still wouldn’t answer me so I said, “Sam, if you want a banana, say yes” and she said “yes” clear as a bell.  So, she is getting there.  Sam likes to repeat words you say to her as if she is trying them out.  She likes her animal words best like bird, cat, etc.  She never says dog though, just woof woof woof!  She has started saying, “bye bye” and she always says “night night”.    One of her cuter words is “Melmo” which is what she calls Elmo. 🙂

Sam is also becoming a kissy girl.  She only kisses you when she wants to though, if you ask for a kiss she will never give you one.  Last night, I was carrying her up the stairs for bed and she was grabbing the side of my face so strongly. I couldn’t figure out what she was doing because sometimes she wants to see my ponytail.  Well, eventually I just gave in and let her tug and she pulled my face in for a smooch.  That is usually how you get kisses — you get dragged over to her face.  It is so cute. 

I miss my little girl today!

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