Memorial Day Hike

Posted By on May 25, 2009

One of my favorite activities is getting out into the woods for a hike. Pam likes it too sometimes, unless it is too hot. Or too cold. Or too, well you get the idea 🙂

Today we went for a nice hike in the local Rose Tree park. It’s not very big but it has a cool little trail and nice open spaces. There are always a lot of families there picnicking and we look forward to taking little Sam there next spring.  Here is what the trail looks like:


Here we are in our hiking regalia:



We had a nice snack at this lovely little bench in the middle of  quiet sunny field:



And we finished up with a photo of the Mom-to-be in a field of spring flowers:


One Response to “Memorial Day Hike”

  1. Debbi Plenn says:

    Looks like fun. Sam will like it in her little stroller next year.

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