New teeth!
Posted By pamelamyers on June 26, 2011
Sam’s got some new teeth! She has all of her teeth except for her cuspids (her “canine” teeth). I have been waiting forever for those last 4 to come in. She will get her 2-year molars too, of course. It has been obvious that she has been teething for a while, but she has been taking it in stride. For the last few days I have noticed that she has been putting her fingers in her mouth a lot so I thought she was feeling something. I finally got a peek last night while brushing her teeth — the bottom 2 are coming in. The one on the right is more pronounced than the one on the left, but they are definitely there. Poor baby — now we just need the others to come in and maybe we will all get some relief from tooth issues for a while — until they start falling out!
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