
Posted By on June 30, 2011

We have been trying to teach Sam how to say Zephyr’s name with some limited success.  Zephyr, to be fair, is a hard word to say.  Frankly, so many people mispronounce it.  But Sam has been trying.  Usually, what comes out is Zeph (when she gets out one syllable) or Beffer (when Sam attempts two).  It is so funny, each time she tries to use the full two syllable word, her Z turns into a B.  This is usually how the conversation goes with Mark trying to teach her:

Sam:  Beffer!
Mark:  Sam, say ZZZZZZ
Mark:  Zeph
Sam:  Zeph
Mark:  Now say Zephyr
Sam:  Beffer!

Ah, well, one day!

One Response to “Zephyr”

  1. Teresa Pask says:

    I bet she would be able to say Charlie, or Tiffy, or Toffee.

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