Downward bound

Posted By on July 22, 2011

Sam has been trying out something new lately — she has been resisting my attempts to carry her down the steps.  She has been racing up the steps for a long time now but down was another story.  It was really only recently that I could get her to at least try to go down.  Sometimes she would, sometimes not, but always with someone holding her hand.  I could never get her to start at the top of our stairs either. I guess 12 or so steps is a long way down for a little person and it looked scary.  I would carry her down until we were about 6 steps from the bottom and then let her try to descend.  I wasn’t sure how she would do it, on her butt, walking down backward, but it seems she likes on her butt the best.  Frankly, I am glad, because that seems safest.  Well, in the last few days, she has been really willing to try to do it on her own, all the way from the top.  She is doing really well too.  Sometimes I have to remind her to stop looking back up, off to the side, or anywhere else for that matter and to please just concentrate on coming down safely.  She tends to get too interested in something she sees off to the side or back up the steps and gets a little wobbly.  I always stand in front of her just in case.  But she has been doing so well, I am very proud of my little girl!

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