A piece of paradise

Posted By on August 15, 2011

As I mentioned briefly before, Sam refused to sleep in her crib the entire week.  Her sleeping habits have been horrible (we are working on it) but for the sake of everyone’s sanity on vacation we decided to let her have her way and she slept with my mom.  This is how I found her snoozing away on vacation Tuesday morning.  She is so darn cute.

Here are some pics of yet another great beach day.  Sam and Mark had fun digging holes.

Sam was getting more relaxed each day.  She was finally splashing and having fun.

We all got lots of thank you hugs on vacation.  She was a super cuddly girl.

Sam and her Daddy taking a walk.

Hanging out with Mom Mom and Pop Pop.

After the beach we went to dinner at Basilico’s, which we love.  As you know, Sam loves jewelry.  But…she surprised even me by her dedication to her passion.  She made bracelets out of the onions in our salad.  That girl can make something out of nothing, that’s for sure!

We stopped to peek at the bay on the way home.  We hoped to see a sunset, but it would have been too late for Sam.  She had fun though looking at the many dogs that people were walking by and picking up rocks.

Our last stop was the Promenade again.  There was a bench there that we kept seeing that we just had to pose Sam on.

I just love vacation…everyone can just relax and be happy.

One of my favorite things to do with Sam is just hold her hand and walk. I have waited for what seems like an eternity to do just that with my little girl and now that I can, I never want to let her go.

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