New tunes for Sam
Posted By markmyers on May 26, 2009
We were pretty busy this weekend between our hike and going to the pool but we did play some more music for Sam. We played one of the first Blue Note recordings I ever listened to for her, Kenny Burrell “Midnight Blue.” Bebop music from the 1950’s and 60’s is a favorite of mine and I have a pretty large collection of Blue Note and other recordings from the time on CD. I wish I had them all on vinyl but both the originals and quality reissues are very expensive so I am just cherry picking some of my favorites such as “Midnight Blue”.
We also played another Ella record for her, “Ella Fitzgerald Sings the Harold Arlen Songbook.” The vinyl reissue of this recording really sounds fantastic.
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That is so cool that someone your age appreciates the music of the ’50’s and ’60’s and now Sam wll love that era of music too.