I know having a cat is not the same as a child but. . .
Posted By markmyers on May 26, 2009
. . . sometimes I am really struck by how much we and our cats depend on one another. For example, Muffin and I get along just fine now. I can feed him, pet him, and he will even sit on me sometimes for a bit. However, he is clearly Pam’s cat. He sleeps with her every night and sits with her whenever she is on the couch. I watch him when I work from home sometimes and he just spends all day waiting for Pam to come home.
Today I noticed that he sat on this stool around the time Pam normally comes home:
He stayed there, staring out the window until she did. He didn’t move, flinch, scratch, or lick anything. I took this picture of him a full *30* minutes later:
Only when he saw her walk by the window did he sprint for the door.
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He is such a sweetie pie. Hope he is here w/us for many more years. He is defying all the odds so far.