Sam’s socks

Posted By on August 23, 2011

Sam has been on a real sock kick lately.  Every day she wants to wear socks and she is insisting on wearing them to bed too, no matter what the temperature.  Not only does she want to wear socks, but she generally chooses them as well.  This morning, she absolutely HAD TO wear yellow socks.  Thank goodness we had a pair!  I wasn’t too sure she did.  The other day, she chose these socks that Mark’s friend and co-worker, Claudia, knit for her.  Sam was so funny at dinner showing them off.

The socks became mittens halfway through dinner.  Sam thought this was just too funny.  She looks so proud of herself!  Oh yes, and her Moosejaw bumper sticker looks just lovely with her shirt, don’t you think?  Sam is really into stickers lately and when Mark ordered some clothes from Moosejaw and they sent him the sticker, she just had to have it.

My big girl kicking back drinking a juice box. 

It is so funny how independent she is with her clothes now.  She likes to choose at least one piece of clothing every day and she is getting pretty good at putting things on.  She tries with some level of success to put on her pants, she will help with her shirt, and sometimes she gets her socks on.  Depending on what shoes we choose, she can get those on as well.  I can’t believe a day will come soon when she will be telling me exactly what she wants to wear, and I won’t have any say at all!

One Response to “Sam’s socks”

  1. Debbi Plenn says:

    She is a true fashionista!!!

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