I feel the earth move, under my feet
Posted By pamelamyers on August 23, 2011
Wow! Today Sam, and all of us, experienced something I honestly never thought we would — an earthquake! There was a 5.8 magnitude earthquake centered in Virginia and the tremors were felt as far away as Philadelphia and New York. It was quite the experience. I was at work, Mark was working from home and Sam was at my mom’s house. It was after lunch and all of the sudden the building starting shaking really hard. We all rushed out of our building until we were sure everything was ok. When I talked to Mark soon after he said the house really shook, but everything was fine at home. Zephyr wasn’t happy though! I called my mom to see if they felt it and they certainly did! Sam woke up from her nap but was pretty much taking it in stride. My mom asked her, “Did that earthquake wake you up?” and Sam said, “Noise!” I am happy she didn’t seem scared and that everyone was ok. It was a pretty minor quake by California standards, but I hope we never feel anything like that again!
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