Party Time!
Posted By pamelamyers on September 25, 2011
We had Sam’s birthday party the day after her birthday. We kept it small this year, just her grandparents, her Aunt Krista, Uncle Adam and her cousin Maddox. Since even with that small group, it is 10 people, we made a turkey. Sam was a big help. She was so funny. The turkey was done earlier than we expected, so we took it out of the oven and tented it with foil. As soon as Mark covered it, Sam started saying, “Hiding! Hiding!” I love that she is wearing all her new beads that Mark and I gave her. She had just opened them that morning and couldn’t resist putting them all on. And I mean, “all”.
Sam and Maddox had fun playing outside after dinner while we cleaned up.
Sam got so many nice presents — among other things, lots of clothes and pajamas, some Elmo books, a jewelry box from my Aunt Barbara, a cradle for her baby dolls from her Grandmom and Poppy, and a tricycle from her Mom Mom and Pop Pop. We can’t wait to see her tooling around the sidewalk in the spring! Her legs are just slightly too short to reach the pedals yet, but she will be riding it in no time. We purposely picked a trike that was a little bigger so she can enjoy it longer.
Here is Sam’s cake! Her party had an Elmo theme since he is tops in her book.
Sam just loves the singing and the candles for birthdays. We have had a lot of that lately with both of her grandmoms and then her mommy. She was so glad it was her turn! Poppy was nice enough to put her up on the table so she got a great view of her cake.
The proud mom and dad with their very special birthday girl. 🙂
Sam really liked her cake. After each bite I gave her she’d say, “Mmmmmm!”
One of Sam’s other presents that turned out to be one of her favorite things, was her tea set that Krista, Adam and Maddox gave her. I think she watches Grandmom make a lot of tea because she knew exactly what to do! She was pouring us all tea and handing out cups in no time!
Sunday morning, most of her balloons had deflated a bit, so they were down low for Sam to drag around the house. She loves balloons.
Maybe she needs some help navigating the house here. I don’t even think she could see!
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I love her birthday beads!!!