I found my new assistant
Posted By pamelamyers on September 27, 2011
Sam has become such a good little helper. Yesterday I was sorting clean laundry, trying to put clothes away and putting Sam’s clothes on my bed in categories (shirts, pants, pjs) so that I could put them away. Sam insisted on grabbing some things despite my asking her a million times to please not throw her clean clothes on the floor and she took off with one of her pajama shirts. I decided it really didn’t matter because if it let me get something done to just give her the shirt then she could have it. I kind of forgot about it for the rest of the day. Last night while I was getting ready for bed I went into my closet to put my shoes away and lo and behold what did I find? Sam’s pajama shirt tucked just so in between the hangers on my side of the closet. I have 2 bars, one high and one low, and the low one is at the right height for Sam to reach. From the way it was tucked, I really think she was trying to put her shirt away and not just stash it somewhere.
Tonight Mark was making dinner and he had the placemats and silverware on the table but not the plates since we were having pasta and he generally plates the food on the counter for us. Sam was busy playing in the cabinet with the paper plates, the napkins and various other odds and ends that we store in there. I turned around to see what she was doing and she had just finished very nicely placing on single paper plate at each of our three places. It was done so perfectly. She looked so proud of herself.
We try to praise her when she does things like that to let her know she is being helpful and we are proud of how grown up she has become. I wonder what she will do next? She does like to dustmop the floors for my mom…maybe I can get her to clean bathrooms? Yeah, I don’t think so either…
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