The artist at work

Posted By on October 24, 2011

Sam is quite fascinated with stickers.  She will go through sheets and sheets of them in a matter of minutes.  Mostly, all she likes to do with them is stick them on her shirt, and half of them wind up on top of each other, but whatever, she is having fun.  The other day though she quietly, and methodically, started putting stickers on one of our pillows.  She really was thinking about where each one should go. After she was done, I told her I would take her picture, the artist with her masterpiece!  Most of the stickers are still on the pillow, even though this was over a week ago.  She pulls some off once sometimes and puts them on her shirt or pajamas (she sleeps with a sticker or two quite often). At least it is keeping me from opening a new pack for her for a while.  She was so proud of herself for what she accomplished, and I must say, I am proud of her talent too.

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