
Posted By on October 29, 2011

Sam can count to 4!  This is the first time I have ever heard her count. We have been counting with her forever hoping something would sink in, and last night, while reading one of her books, she asked me to count the balloons, so I did.  Right after I did it, she said, 1-2-3-4!  I was so excited and she knew it. I asked her to do it again and again and she did.  She kept saying “More More” and I said “More what?” and she said, “Counting!”  We were already in her room getting ready for bed, but I called to Mark so she could count for him.  She counted on cue and he clapped for her which she loved.  I promised her that every time she counted we would clap.  Mark wondered if she really knew what she was doing and I assured him that she did, but he was doubtful.  Today though we went to Wal-Mart and he told me she was passing the bicycles and counting them 1-2-3-4 as she passed.  So she definitely does!

She is talking more and more and saying so many words that I don’t even know where she is learning them.  About a week or so ago, she said her last name for the first time!  She knows she is Samantha Myers.  We are so proud of how much progress she makes every day.  Our little prodigy is so amazing!

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