Fall 2011

Posted By on November 20, 2011

It is that time again, autumn in Pennsylvania, and yes, that means a lot of leaf clean up.  We hadn’t done on bit of raking this year so boy, did we have a lot of leaves.  Last year, we had hoped that Sam would really like playing in the leaves but she was so scared!  We did manage to get a few good pictures of her, but they were hard won.  This year I had thought she would do better since once in a while Sam enjoys crunching through some small piles of leaves in the yard. Success!  Sam loved the leaves and crashing through them, throwing them up in the air, and as you will see, burying her daddy!  She even grabbed a rake and pitched in with the clean up.  She does have a shovel….I see some snow clean up in her future. 🙂

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