Just waiting on Santa

Posted By on December 24, 2011

It is Christmas Eve and all is quiet in the Myers house.  Sam is sleeping and we are resting up for a fun night ahead with our parents.  The gifts are wrapped, the house is decorated, all the cards have been mailed, and the cookies baked.  It is nice when all of the preparations are done so that you can sit back and really think about the holiday and enjoy your family and friends.  This is the first year that Sam is really old enough to understand who Santa is and to be excited for all Christmas means.  We have been watching Elmo’s World Happy Holidays and How the Grinch Stole Christmas non-stop and she gets excited when the mail comes and she gets to rip open the cards.  Christmas is really all about the little ones, and I am so thankful that we have our little one to share it with.

Every year, Mark takes beautiful pictures of our little family in front of our tree and I cherish them so much.  Some years have been better than others, some years worse, but every year that we have each other has been wonderful.  And now that we have Sam, we can’t ask for much more.

One Response to “Just waiting on Santa”

  1. Debbi Plenn says:

    My heart bursts because you are so happy and have the perfect family.

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