Break out the Haz Mat suits

Posted By on January 7, 2012

This house is a big ol’ petri dish!  First, I got sick before Christmas and have been sick since then.  I have recently gotten some antibiotics for what was finally diagnosed as a sinus infection so I am feeling better.  In the midst of that fun, Sam got sick and, as I previously posted, has an ear infection and a virus.  Well, she has been doing a little better on her antibiotic and pain relievers, but last night we noticed her left eye was very teary, and getting red.  Mark and I were hoping it was nothing, just an eyelash that irritated her eye, but alas, today, both eyes were getting red and had some yellowish discharge.  Why, oh, why, stupid pink eye!  At least that is what we think.  So, we called the pediatrician’s office and spoke to the nurse.  She didn’t actually say that is what it is, but it sounds like it.  And there is not much we can do except keep it clean, wash our hands excessively so we don’t get it, and keep giving her the amoxicillin.  It could be either viral or bacterial, and if it is bacterial she would be given the same antibiotic, so there is not much we can do.  They told us to call if it is not better by 8:00 a.m. tomorrow in case they decide to do anything else.  I am really hoping it is better since I dread the thought of any kind of eye drops for Sam.  She is barely tolerating getting liquid medicine a million times a day so eye drops would NOT go over well.  Wish us luck!  She had a better night last night than she has had in a while, and I am hoping she sleeps ok and wakes up without crusty eyes.  In the meantime, if anyone plans on visiting the Myers house, I would gear up in Haz Mat suits!

One Response to “Break out the Haz Mat suits”

  1. Debbi Plenn says:

    Hope all Sam’s issues are resolved by the time you read this.

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