
Posted By on January 17, 2012

Sam has been really practicing catching a ball lately and she is getting quite good at it. She can usually catch, and she has the strongest throw. And kick… Hmmm…it looks like despite Mark and my dislike for all things sports, our little girl might be quite the athlete! Almost every day she plays catch with my parents and/or with us. Here are some pictures Mark took of a recent play session.

Here comes the ball! (She always keeps her arms outstretched like that when the ball is coming)

I’ve got it!  I’ve got it!


Yay!  I got it!

And throw! (Sam always yells “Frow!”  when she throws something).


And one last pic of our little cutie, well, being cute!

One Response to “Catch!”

  1. Debbi Plenn says:

    Love the pose in the last picture. Sign her up for T-Ball!

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