Snowy days

Posted By on February 20, 2012

We had some light snow recently, but it was enough for Sam to go out and have fun playing with her daddy.  Years ago, we had bought a “snowman kit” with the hopes that one day we would have a little one to share it with.  As you can see, Sam had a lot of fun  For a while, the snowman was a bit of a jumble because he had all of his buttons, as well as his eyes, on his head, but she eventually got the hang of it.  I am glad Mark is a big snow fan because I am sure not!  Although, the last time I went out in the snow with Sam, I will admit, it was a lot of fun pulling her on her sled, making snowmen and enjoying stomping around.  Sam does like the snow.  She even made snowballs with her Poppy.  Now we just need more than the measly couple of inches we have been getting — we bought a new orange sled for Sam and Mark to go cruising down the hill in and we are getting weather in the 50s in February, so that isn’t going to work!

2 Responses to “Snowy days”

  1. Debbi Plenn says:

    Quite an impressive snowman. When did you have snow? We didn’t have any over the w/e.

  2. Debbi Plenn says:

    He is a beautiful snowman. I love Sam’s purple jacket and her little purple hat.

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