Bouncing Song

Posted By on February 29, 2012

We try to play music for Sam whenever we can, but unfortunately, don’t do it enough. We play all kinds of things, jazz, blues, rock, all my 70s “singers and songwriters” kind of tunes, kids’ songs, you name it, hoping to expose her to as many things as we can.

One day, Mark put on his new Foo Fighters CD just because he wanted to hear it, not specifically for Sam.  We were so surprised at how she absolutely loved it!  I mean, really, really loved it.  As you all know, she loves to bounce and jump and the Foo Fighters songs on their new CD are just made for bouncing.  One song in particular, Sam actually calls her bouncing song.  You should all check it out.  The album is Wasting Light and the song is called Bridge Burning.  We all dance to it all the time. When she asks for it, we know exactly what she wants.  Mark and Sam bounce together, jumping up and down like lunatics.  He taught her to “spin bounce” and to wave her arms around.  She loves dancing now and watching her is such a joy.  The Foo Fighters had a concert on one of our cable channels recently and we taped it so now not only can Sam hear her songs, she can see them sing too.  She even says their name.

She also has a new game she calls “super bounce”.  One day either Mark or I started lifting her really high in the air and bouncing her off the couch and she giggles and giggles.  She could do it forever, but she is getting so heavy that eventually we have to stop, or trade off, because our arms are going to fall off!  Here are some pics of Mark and Sam super bouncing.

I love how her hair flies up in the air on the way down.

Sam and her Daddy. 🙂

2 Responses to “Bouncing Song”

  1. Debbi Plenn says:

    Pam, I think she looks a little like you in the last picture.

  2. krisamar--mom mom says:

    Great pictures; she really does superbounce; it looks like she can almost touch the ceiling….

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