
Posted By on February 29, 2012

I have been dying to start playing with hair styles for Sam but she will never let me. Her hair is so long now that I can easily make ponytails but she is an unwilling participant in my stylist games. Last week though, we were eating spaghetti and Mark was trying to get her hair out of her face so she didn’t get sauce in it. We didn’t have any barrettes downstairs but I, on the off chance she would agree, asked Sam if she wanted a ponytail. I was shocked when she smiled and said yes! Of course, once she had her ponytail in, just like her Mommy, we had to take some pictures. I looooove her hair, but I do think she looks super cute with her hair all pulled back.  I can’t wait to try two ponytails on either side of her head.

Look how long it is!

Our girl loves her pasta!

A few days later, she actually asked me to make her a ponytail, so I obliged.

One side of her cute little face…

And the other side…

She’s such a good little model.  I can’t get over how different she looks to me though without all that hair!

One final picture, in her car she got for Christmas.

One Response to “Ponytail!”

  1. Debbi Plenn says:

    I love Sam’s ponytail. I can’t believe how long her hair is and how big she looks w/a ponytail.

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