Posted By pamelamyers on February 29, 2012
Sam watches Sesame Street all the time. She tends to get obsessed with certain segments for a while, then she stops. Lately, her favorite has been a 30 second clip of a little girl who goes to yoga class. Not long after watching it for the umpteenth time (she makes me rewind and watch over and over again – she does that with anything she likes), she started doing this pose, and saying, “Doing yoga!”
I couldn’t get a picture of it, but she would many times lift her hands off the floor and stay that way, balanced on her head. I love yoga but haven’t done it since before I was pregnant. Maybe Sam will be my inspiration to get started again, so that I can do it with her. My silly, silly girl….
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Absolutely love the pony tail; she looks older with it. She is amazing doing yoga; she is so funny and absolutely adorable—I miss her….