Happy 2-1/2, Samantha!
Posted By pamelamyers on March 23, 2012
Sam, today you are 2-1/2 years old. Happy half year birthday, Samantha! How did the time go so fast? You are so big now, and so different than the little girl who just had a birthday party. It amazes me how many things you can do now that you couldn’t do just a few short months ago. You are so much more fearless now, so willing to try new things. When we go to the playground you were so scared to go down the slide alone, now you zoom down the big, curly slide and yell, “Whee!!” over and over again. You climb up the ladders and walls at the playground “all by self” as you like to say, and hardly ever ask me for help. There are so many things you want to try, and you are so independent.
You insist on trying to zip your sleepsack and your coat alone even though it takes you forever and you still can’t do it, but you won’t let anyone help you. You like to put on your own shoes and socks and take off your own clothes. You can easily get your pants and diaper off and even your shirt if we help you get your arms out. You like to brush your own hair and pick out your own clothes. You pick out some interesting outfits, but I never care what you pick because you are so proud of what you chose.
You haven’t quite mastered going down stairs alone, you hold the railing like a big girl, but prefer to hold someone’s hand most of the time. Going up though you race so fast that I always have to make sure I am right behind you in case you fall.
One area I which would grow with you is your appetite since you are still the pickiest little eater I have ever seen. Your Daddy and I think you grow on air because you don’t eat enough to grow as fast as you are.
You are sleeping in your big girl bed like a champ and hardly ever wake up in the middle of the night unless you have a bad dream.
You talk to me all the time and I am loving finding out everything that has been going on inside your head that you didn’t have the words to express.
I love you so much, Sammy girl. I am so lucky I get to be your Mommy and love spending all my days with you. I can’t wait for the summer and all the fun we are going to have at the pool, in our backyard, at the playground, and at the beach. You have turned out more amazing than I ever could have imagined you to me. Happy 1/2 birthday, Sam!
(Our big girl in her ponytails, her first time!)
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