Night Night!

Posted By on April 19, 2012

Sam loves being in our bed.  She always asks to climb in.  We don’t really let her sleep with us unless something extreme is going on, like she is sick, and even then, we try to limit it to one night.  Having a third wheel in the bed is NOT something we want to make a habit.  Everyone I know with kids who let their kids sleep with them says it is the hardest habit to break.  But….Sam manages to get in.  Since she just refuses to play in her room when she wakes up, and she gets up too early, we have taken to letting her into our bed in the mornings, for about an hour or so, just until it is bearable to get up.  Actually, the morning snuggle is quite nice.  She eventually gets tired of being in bed and you get a litany of “Get up….Right now?” with a big smile until you give in.

This weekend we were goofing around with her and she climbed into our bed.  She looks so small and so cute in such a big bed.  This is how she looks at my mom’s house where she sleeps in a full size bed.  I love it!

Her little bed head is so funny. She wakes up looking like she went through a tornado all the time.  This picture is not quite so bad.  Her hair is just in her face. She doesn’t have her usual wind tunnel ‘do.

Moving on to her own bed, Sam wanted us to take pictures of her with all of her animals.  She sleeps with a whole zoo of animals every night and you can’t ever take any of them out because she definitely notices.  I was the same way as a kid, I always had to have my friends.

We think soon we may look for an actual twin bed for her.  She is getting big and she is used to a big bed now.  Also, we’d be able to give her real blankets which would be nice.  She still sleeps in a sleep sack so she’s warm enough for now, but I always worry about her in the winter.  She refuses to give up her sleep sack though — she loves them.  How she manages to walk around in a sack I have no idea, but she is a pro.

On a side note, potty training wise, she is doing ok.  Maybe 4 days a week she will go on the potty once a day, but only for me.  Her diapers are pretty wet most of the time and I don’t know if she doesn’t have the physical control yet to stay dry or she is just being lazy.  I am not pushing it though.  She likes the potty and asks to use it once in a while and I am happy that she just has an interest.  We’ll see how I feel about still changing diapers as the summer comes to an end and she is on the verge of turning 3.  Hopefully by then, she will be ready to ditch the diapers on her own without me having to insist!

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