My girl’s got a job!

Posted By on April 19, 2012

For some reason Sam finds taking out the trash a fascinating thing to do.  If she is outside and Mark goes to get the can, she comes racing along to help.  She even helps carry the recycling bins by holding one end while Mark carries the other.  I find this so funny because by the time she is old enough to actually take out the trash on her own, it will most likely be like pulling teeth to get her to do it.  Here she is helping out her Daddy with the household chores.

See, I’m not making it up!  Look how happy she looks!

3 Responses to “My girl’s got a job!”

  1. Debbi Plenn says:

    Sam looks adorable in that outfit w/her sunglasses on.

  2. pamelamyers says:

    She loves her sunglasses! When she puts sunglasses on she says, “cool Sammy!”

  3. Debbi Plenn says:

    That’s soooo funny.

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