A couple of quick updates
Posted By pamelamyers on April 20, 2012
Thursday when I picked up Sam from my mom’s, we were leaving the basement where Sam had just finished kissing her Poppy goodbye. I noticed that she walked up the steps in the regular fashion, that is, one foot on each step instead of putting both feet on a step before moving up. Now she goes up like you are supposed to. Overnight she is growing up.
Also, when I put her to bed last night I noticed her 2 year molars are finally coming in. Finally. OMG, finally. I have been waiting for these suckers to come in for a long time. When she went to the dentist at the end of March (a topic I forgot to blog about, but maybe I just blocked it out because it was such a nightmare) the dentist said that the one on her top left was coming in. Last night though in feeling around, I definitely feel three. Both bottoms and the top left. Nothing on the top right yet unless I just couldn’t feel it. Sam has been pretty good about it, not complaining, so hopefully all of our teeth troubles are behind us for a while. Until they start falling out. Oh boy.
She is still not a huge fan of the dentist and hates having her teeth brushed, but at least this time the dentist was able to clean her teeth and brush them and give her the fluoride treatment she needed. This had better get better as time goes on or my gorgeous girl will have dentures at the age of 6!
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