Rain, rain go away
Posted By pamelamyers on April 23, 2012
Or maybe not because Sam is enjoying it so much! This weather is so weird. A week or so ago I was posting pictures of Sam in her bathing suit in the pool. As I sit here typing it is 44 degrees and Sam is wearing her winter coat. On this day, yesterday, it fell somewhere in between. Not quite winter coat weather, but she is wearing a winter hat. And it was pouring rain. Absolutely horrible. But…she wanted to go out and we hate keeping her cooped up. Mark is such a good sport. He will rain gear himself and Sam all up and head out to play in the rain with her. He is more adventurous than I, that is for sure.
Sam loves playing in the rain and we both think it’s a wonderful thing. You never see other parents outside playing with their kids in a rainstorm and I think Sam is so lucky to have a dad that is up for any craziness with her. They had a blast. Jumping in puddles, getting messy, and coming in the house soaking wet.
Here she is trotting off down the driveway looking for adventure. We both love how both of her feet are off the ground in this picture. She was racing off so fast.
That is one happy child, that is for sure. I think she is still somewhat shocked that she is actually allowed outside in the rain, despite the fact that it’s not her first time doing this with her dad.
Splash! Look at the tidal wave she makes!
Mark had to empty her boots of water quite a few times he told me. Gee, I wonder why?
Mark and Sam had a good time putting sticks and leaves in the water and watching them float down the street. It’s a good science lesson at least!
Off she goes again, both feet in the air! Lookout puddles, here she comes!
3 Responses to “Rain, rain go away”
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Love the both feet off the ground trick. 😉
She looks so cute in her rain gear.
You are such cool parents to allow Sam out in the rain to have fun.