Mother’s Day
Posted By pamelamyers on May 13, 2012
Once again, Mother’s Day is here and I am the luckiest mommy in the whole world. Here are some pictures of my favorite people (with the exception of Mark, our photographer!)
Me and my munchkin. Thank you, Sam, for making Mother’s Day a day to celebrate more than ever!
Me and my first little girl. You will always be my baby, Zephyr!
The three generations. Mom, you will always be the best example of a mom to me and Sam is so lucky to spend so much time with you.
That morning, Sam helped me open my presents. I got a really nice jacket…
…and the coolest of gifts, a bike!
Once again, Mother’s Day was more than I could ask for. I have a great mom, two wonderful daughters (one furry, one non-furry!) and a pretty darn great life with an amazing husband and family. I love all of you so much!
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Love your big girl bike!!