Ridley Creek

Posted By on May 20, 2012

We went back to Ridley Creek State Park recently since Sam had so much fun there on Mark’s birthday.  We didn’t take any photos that day because we were trying to just enjoy the day, but this time of course, we snapped away!

Sam loved going down to the water and picking up rocks to throw in. She kept looking at us while she was splashing around like she was waiting for us to tell her to stop.  It just seems like something she wouldn’t be allowed to do, I suppose.  But all kids need to get a little messy and explore nature.  Sam loves it, that is for sure.

Sam and Mark kept crossing the water on some rocks that were exposed.  Sam was so proud of her ability to balance and cross without getting wet.

We did it!

This is the view from where we were standing.  It really is quite beautiful there.  And so peaceful.

Sam found some really cool rocks, including a few that were shaped like arrowheads.  She likes showing them off.  When we got home later that day, she pulled a bunch of stuff out of her pockets that we didn’t even know she had stashed in there!

Sam loves it there so much, out in nature, that I hope we always find time to keep taking her out to explore and see what she can see.

One Response to “Ridley Creek”

  1. Debbi Plenn says:

    I love Sam’s shoes.

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