We’re making progress!
Posted By pamelamyers on June 26, 2012
Today Sam actually went potty at my mom’s house! She has never gone for anyone else but me. In the last few days she has been asking me more to go. A couple of times this weekend, she actually woke me up in the morning and told me she needed to go to the potty. So, it’s slow, but it’s getting there. There are some days she will go more than once, and some days, not at all. But today I think was a big deal. She actually went for someone else. Maybe she is getting there, maybe not. I am not going to push, and I am not really in a huge rush for the process to be done, but there are some days that she seems so into it that I get a little bit excited that she has made the decision to ditch the diapers. I have a feeling, though, that those good folks at Pampers are going to be getting a little bit more of my hard earned money for a while.
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