Indoor Camping

Posted By on June 26, 2012

Sam is a very lucky little girl.  Every day that she stays with her Grandmom and Poppy, her Poppy gives her $3.00 as an allowance. She gets it any day he sees her actually.  So, she has been building up quite a little bank account, which is what we wind up doing with the money.  At some point, when she is older, I am sure she will want to spend her loot, but for now, we are happy we get to put it away for her.  Recently, Poppy got lucky playing the lottery — he won when the number that he asked Sam to pick out hit — two days in a row!  He gave me some money to let Sam buy herself a toy, whatever she wanted.  This time, she was going to get to spend her dollars.  So off we went to Toys R Us.  Sam had such a hard time picking something out, which was surprising.  Finally, Grandmom had the brilliant idea of a tent.  Sam is always asking us to make her a “castle” out of couch cushions, so it seemed perfect.  As soon as we got home, I put it all together.  Sam had so much fun!  She is always in there, and keeps asking me to come it too (it is quite an adventure, but I manage to get in by plopping the tent over my head).  Here she is enjoying her new hideaway.

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