Once Upon A Time

Posted By on July 18, 2012

Sam did the cutest thing today.  My mom has this little book called, “The Night Before Cat-Mas”, which, as you can imagine, is a twist on the old favorite.  She has loved this book for a long time, even when she was only about a year old.  She always asks my mom to read it to her.  This past Christmas, I posted a picture of Analiece reading it to her at my mom’s house. Well, I was picking her up after work and Sam asked for the book, so we gave it to her.  She said she wanted to read it.  She sat on my lap and opened the first page and started to “read”.  “Once upon a time…” and then she would proceed to describe what she saw such as, “there was a little cat,” or, “the mousy had a ball” or whatever was there.  The cutest part is that she went through every single page and each time started “Once upon a time…” until she got to the last page when she said, “The End!”  I never saw anything cuter in my whole life.  I just want to eat her up!

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