Sam’s first bed
Posted By pamelamyers on July 22, 2009
A while ago I promised pictures of the bassinet that Sam will be sleeping in for a little while. As you may recall from my earlier post, Mark’s maternal grandfather, Flavion, built a bassinet for Mark to sleep in when he was born. Flavion built a lot of beautiful things, and we have a few of those pieces in our home (including the record cabinet that houses all of the records in Sam’s Soundtrack), but we think this is one of the most special. Not only did Mark sleep there, but so did Maria and Krista. Now a whole new generation of Myers munchkin will get to sleep there too : )
I was never able to meet Flavion, as he passed away quite a long time ago, but Mark talks about him frequently so sometimes I feel like I know him. And now Sam will, in this way, know her great-grandpop too. All of the music that Mark plays for Sam is in large part due to his grandfather as well, as he shared Mark’s love of music and I think helped to foster this appreciation in Mark.
Here are some photos of the bassinet. Mark and I can’t believe how great it looks after over 35 years.
And here are some photos of Mark in the bassinet. Wasn’t he a little cutie?
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I have seen that bassinet and it is a beauty.
My father would be so very very proud of both of you and Samantha; These pictures are just beautiful. He use to tell me all the time when he was working on the crib before Mark was born; someday you will look at this crib and your grandchildren and think of me and all of the time I spent making this crib for your family. He loved every minute of it. He was a wonderful man and worked so hard as a father to provide for all of us. Back in the 1960’s people did not believe in women going to college but my dad was a man way before his time. He said, “My daughter is going to college just like my son Joe.” And therefore I owe him so much. Our family is so blessed with generations of loving, wonderful people and now we are having new generation a loving, beautiful children and grandchildren. Can’t wait to meet Sam. Great tribute to my father. He loved you so much…, mom