Posted By pamelamyers on July 20, 2012
Sam loves cucumbers. She could eat a half a cucumber if I let her. And frankly, I do give them to her a lot because why not? They really have very little nutritional value, I think, since there are almost calorie free, but they are better than a lot of things and they are tasty. We decided this year to try to grow some in our garden. Mark and I thought she would get a kick out of seeing them grow. The little plant I put in the ground grew like crazy! It got huge and so it took us a while to notice the actual cucumbers on it. When we finally did, wow, they were big! We showed Sam and she asked almost every day if she could pick them. She was really good, helping us water them all the time. She is quite the gardener! We finally let her pick one.
I love her look – like, this isn’t like the one from the supermarket!
She really was pretty awestruck by the size of the thing.
Enjoying the fruits of her labor! I have to say, it was pretty darn good!
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