More tunes for Sam

Posted By on July 22, 2009

We’ve been pretty busy lately getting ready for the shower but have found time to play some new music for Sam. I finally got around to playing an album for her from my favorite band Morphine,  “Cure for Pain.” Recently I have been playing David Gilmour “On an Island” a lot. We both like the Smithereens so we played “11” and “Green Thoughts” a few times.

Like I guess most Americans, the passing of Michael Jackson reminded me just how good some of his records are; we listened to a new copy of the Thriller album which sounded just fantastic.  Last night we played Led Zepplin records which Muffin really enjoyed. A lot of nights when I get home before Pam I will slip on some Stevie Ray Vaughan records while I am getting dinner ready, namely “Texas Flood”, “Couldn’t Stand the Wether” and “In Step”.  For some reason which I cannot fathom, Pam doesn’t like SRV but that won’t stop me from playing him for Sam! There was one SRV song she recently admitted liking (Riviera Paradise) so maybe he is growing on her 🙂

One Response to “More tunes for Sam”

  1. Debbi says:

    Wow. Muffin is a Led Zepplin fan!!! Cool!!!!

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