Zephyr’s 14th Birthday
Posted By pamelamyers on August 22, 2012
Today we celebrated our little Zephyr cat’s 14th birthday. We always have made a big fuss over her every year since the very first one, and just because we have Sam now, things have not changed. Zephyr still has her little party with her favorite cake, angel food. Of course, now, it is Sam helping Zephyr open her presents instead of us. Yup, some people may call us crazy, but we love our little cat. She was our first little girl, you know!
Here is Sam helping Zephyr open her gifts.
Hmmm…a new laser beam!
This was the present that Sam picked out for Zephyr at PetSmart, a catnip stuffed carrot. I think Sam was more into the fact that it was orange that whether Zephyr would actually like it, but since I thought Zephyr would, I let her get it. And Zephyr does seem to like it!
Moving on to the cake! Sam helped Zephyr blow out the candles because, well, cats aren’t so good at that after all.
Happy, happy birthday, Zephyr! We all love you!
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