This is what 3 looks like

Posted By on September 25, 2012

Actually, that is not true.  Three looks like the out of focus, not composed properly, funny faces in the other 125 or so pictures that Mark took during our photo shoot.  You know, the ones where Sam is running around like a maniac (out of focus), sitting in front of hoses or other unattractive things (not composed properly), or making goofy faces and smiles.  Sam is a whirlwind, that is for sure.  She never stops moving.  Mark laments that it is so hard for him to take the photos he wants to get of her now because we can’t make her stay in one place for more than a second. By the time you notice she is standing how you want her to stand, she is moving again.  Mark is amazing though and always manages to get a good picture of our little girl.  Here she is in all her 3 year old glory.  Oh how we love you, little one.  Happy, happy birthday!

2 Responses to “This is what 3 looks like”

  1. Debbi Plenn says:

    Great pictures.

  2. Debbi Plenn says:

    Three looks adorable!!! Sam sure likes that purple stuffed animal. He’s in quite a few pictures with her.

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