Matching tats

Posted By on September 30, 2012

My Aunt Barbara sent Sam a bunch of things recently, including a Rainbow Brite coloring book.  Sam has no idea who Rainbow Brite is (Mark and I were shocked that it is even still on television) but she liked the book anyway.  Her favorite part though, by far, were the tattoos in the front.  She didn’t know what they were, she thought they were stickers, so I explained to her what they were and promised her she could try them out soon.  She didn’t quite get it, and to make sure she was ok with what we had to do to get the tattoo on, this weekend we decided to give one to Daddy first.  She chose the quite large unicorn with the rainbow for him, but Mark talked her into letting him do a smaller one first.  So, Mark got a rockin’ green Rainbow Brite sprite tattoo and then Sam got one of Rainbow Brite.  She was so patient while we put it on and was so proud of it! Here are Mark and Sam and their rather cool matching tattoos!

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