Hide and Seek

Posted By on September 28, 2012

The other day Mark and Sam did the cutest thing — they played Hide and Seek.  I had tried to play with her a few months ago (at least) but she didn’t really get it.  I kept telling her to hide and she just kept following me around.  But Mark asked her to play and told her to go hide, and off she ran into our family room to hide.  She hid behind one of the chairs and was quiet as a mouse while Mark and I “looked” for her.  Eventually, her giggling gave her away.  The next time we asked her to hide she picked the same spot, which I think is a pretty typical behavior for a kid her age.  She wised up the next time though and hid between our doors.

It is so amazing to me seeing how she changes now so quickly.  It really was only a few months ago that she didn’t understand that game at all.  Her understanding of so many things has grown by leaps and bounds.  When she was a baby, it seemed she changed so fast, and learned things overnight.  There was so much to say because she was different all the time.  Then there was a time, a long time, when things were pretty status quo, and it was hard to find interesting things to blog about.  Every day was just the same, and we just went about our days in the same fashion.  But now it seems she changes so fast again.  She is becoming such  a big girl.  She is easier to talk to, and reason with now, too, much easier than it used to be.  She can explain herself more easily and tell you what she is thinking.

Looks like the blog posts will have to come much faster now — I just have to find the time!

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