Putt Putt

Posted By on September 28, 2012

We have been wanting to take Sam somewhere to play games and go on rides ever since we got home from the shore.  She really loved the games on the boardwalk and in Sea Isle and riding the Ferris wheel, but there just aren’t that many places around here to do those types of things.  Recently, we took her to a carnival and she rode a Ferris wheel with us, which was great, took a few spins on a carousel, and even rode on these little airplanes with Mark, which is something I never thought she was ready for.  The airplanes went around and around and up and down and not only was she not upset, she was smiling from ear to ear.

Down the shore, her favorite game was the little basketball game I posted pictures of.  That, and helping mommy play skeeball.  We had nothing else to do, so we ventured out to Putt Putt, which is a place that has been around forever (I used to go there when I was a kid).  There is miniature golf (hence the name) and an arcade.  We really just wanted to go to the arcade and it was a hit!  Not only did they have skeeball but they had her little basketball game too!  We played those things a million times, and Sam and Mark played the driving games (well, Mark did, Sam just steered hers).  I took a few pictures with my iPhone, so they are not exactly up to our normal photo quality, but it’s better than nothing, right?

I played this one space game and had no idea what I was doing, but over 100 tickets spewed out!  Bonanza!  Every game gives you tickets for which you can turn them in for a bunch of trinkets, just like at the shore.  Mark and I also played that rip off crane game (you can see it next to the racing games here) and Mark actually got her 2 toys!  It was turning out to be quite a night for Sam.  She was beyond excited with her toys and running around with her cup full of tickets.  We tried to teach her how to play whack-a-mole, but she didn’t quite get it.

One of the cutest things was Mark and Sam playing air hockey. I didn’t get any photos, only a movie, and since it too was taken with my iPhone, and I had to shrink the size for the blog, you have to excuse the quality.  But here it is!  Enjoy!


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