If only it were this easy…
Posted By pamelamyers on October 16, 2012
This morning while I was getting ready for work, Sam asked me why I had to “go to the office” (which is what she calls it). I explained to her that I need to make money so we can buy things. Later, on the way to my mom’s house to drop her off, I mentioned how she and Grandmom were going shopping today. She asked if I could go and I reminded her that I needed to go to the office. She again asked me why. This was the conversation:
Sam: Why you have to go to the office?
Me: I told you, Sam, we talked about it this morning. Mommy has to go to the office to her job. I do my job and work and they give me money. We need money to buy things like food, and books, and toys.
Sam: I give you money!
Me: Awww, that is so nice, Sam! You would give me money so I don’t have to go to work?
Sam: Yeah!
Me: Where are you going to get money?
Sam (very matter of factly): From my cash register!
Oh, Sam, if it were only that simple. But it was so very sweet. 🙂
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