Snip Snip

Posted By on November 26, 2012

Sam loves her scissors.  She has a set of safety scissors, which, although they are “safe” in that they don’t have pointy ends, they are not safe in that they are darn sharp!  She already cut one of her stuffed animals by mistake (Dress Up Kitty’s boo boo got sewn up by Dr. Mommy and she sports a band-aid now).  Well…today, she was clipping her “coupons” (pictures out of a toy catalog) and I was watching TV instead of her (BIG mistake).  I heard a somewhat excited, “Look, Mommy!” and there Sam was holding up an approximately 4″ lock of hair.  My first reaction was, of course, to scream.  Thankfully, when she cut her hair, she didn’t grab the entire length of it, just a portion on the top, so she didn’t completely cut off the length of her hair.  You honestly can’t even tell where she cut it since it all blends in like when your hair is layered.  But of course, I flipped out anyway, she got scared and started crying, and it was a huge mess.  Needless to say, the scissors were confiscated for a while.  I told her she scared Mommy and that she could have hurt herself, but let’s be honest, my real thought was OH NO WE HAVEN’T TAKEN CHRISTMAS PICTURES YET!  No real damage done though.  I learned my lesson….watch her like a hawk with those scissors!

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