July 30, 2009
Posted By pamelamyers on August 2, 2009
On July 30, at one day shy of 32 weeks, I had another ultrasound and Sam’s first non-stress test. I am pleased to say that Sam passed with flying colors! A non-stress test measures baby’s well-being by comparing her heart rate at rest to her heart rate when she is moving. The nurse looks for a specific number of increases when she is moving, at a certain rate, for a certain length of time. The test is considered “reactive” (which is good) or non-reactive (which is not). Sam was very, very reactive! The perinatal center allots an hour for the test in case baby is sleeping, but Sam was pretty much done in the first 10 minutes! She is an active little girl. They make you test for a minimum of 20 minutes though, which I did. It was nice sitting there watching the graph of her heart rate go up and down the whole time. They also check to see if you are having any contractions, which I was not, thankfully, not that it would have meant anything bad if I did.
We also had an ultrasound. Her most recent photo is below, although, I have to confess, the bigger she gets, the harder it is for me to pick out things because she is so squished! The tech said she is probably about 4 lbs 4 ounces now. Her heart rate was great, and she looks just perfect. She is in the 52nd percentile now size-wise, which Dr. Bailey was very pleased with. We tried to get some new 3-D pictures, and we did, but they aren’t as clear as the last one (hence we are not posting them) since the tech said her face is pretty much smushed up against my uterus (the poor girl!)
At Dr. Bailey’s office later that afternoon, we discussed an aspect of my pregnancy that I have not posted about before. I have gestational diabetes, which I never post about because, honestly, I try not to focus on it. Even though, yes, it’s a pain in the butt, it is such a minor detail in my pregnancy to me and Mark. I would put up with anything to have a healthy baby, and we have just that. Anyway, Dr. Bailey has frequetly mentioned in passing that, because of the GD, I will “not go past my due date.” So….we finally asked him to elaborate. He told us that if I don’t go into labor before then, I would most likely be induced at 39 weeks. So it looks like Sam may be coming a bit earlier that expected! Which is ok by us, as we can’t wait to meet her!
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I bet she arrives on Pam’s birthday or Pam’s and Mark’s anniversary.