Posted By pamelamyers on February 9, 2013
Today, Sam went sledding for the first time. Do I have pictures of this momentous event? Nope. Much to my chagrin, I do not. It had snowed overnight and Sam couldn’t wait to get outside to play. It wasn’t a lot of snow, like usual, so if she doesn’t go out right away, she misses it completely. The snow has been melting so quickly. Early in the morning, not long after I got up, Sam was hounding Mark to go outside, so he took her out. They weren’t outside long when Mark poked his head in the door and told me she wanted to go to the sledding hill, which is the huge hill down our block near the library. It is famous in Springfield for being the sledding hill because it is huge and perfectly safe. The hill is actually sort of in a bowl shape, so the kids sled into the bowl away from traffic and away fr0m any other hazards. I was going to throw my clothes on and follow them but thought Sam would never actually sled, she would drag Mark down there and then chicken out. Well, shame on me for not having more faith in my little girl because they were gone for a long time and she did in fact go down the hill, with Mark, on her orange sled. So, I missed it. 🙁
Next time, Sammy, I promise, Mommy will be right there with you, sledding down the hill and taking pictures of you in your glory!
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